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An Anxiety Ring is a ring that you wear on your finger that has an inner band locked in place that can be spun while the rest of the ring stays in one place on your finger.

The Anxiety Ring is believed to come from ancient Tibetan meditation traditions, and is called a "worry ring" because spinning the right is believed to have a calming effect on the mind and body.

Axiety Rings are designed to be fiddled with. They're a healthy, less obvious way to move your hands when you feel that you need to be fidgeting.


You simply spin the center ring with your fingers and take deep breaths to experience a calm, more meditative state.

To remove dirt or other debris, lightly dab with water and dry completely with a clean cotton towel. After the jewelry has been dried completely, you may use a microfiber cloth to polish it.

For jewelry with moving parts, you may add a dab of bearing oil to keep it smooth (avoid any solvents).

Keep away from damp or wet conditions as oxidation could occur with some of the handmade jewelry.